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Cavity Dental Training Assessment Policy

1. Purpose

  1. To promote learning and achievement by providing access to assessment and accreditation service at Cavity Training Ltd (CDT), ensuring equality of opportunity for all learners with a clear framework of assessment, internal quality assurance and standardisation.
  2. To provide a framework that covers initial assessment, formative/interim and summative assessment, accreditation of prior learning, work-based assessment, internal quality assurance and standardisation procedures from application to final achievement.
  3. To protect the integrity of qualifications offered at CDT.
  4. To comply with the requirements of City & Guilds.

2. Definitions


Is the measurement of learners’ knowledge and understanding, as well as skills, attitudes and behaviours and the use of this information to facilitate further achievement through constructive and developmental feedback.

Quality Assurance

Is the process whereby an assessment carried out by assessors (internally) is checked for consistency and quality by an appointed and qualified Internal Quality Assurer at CDT, or by professionals nominated by City & Guilds (externally).


Is the process whereby it is ensured that all assessment decisions made by assessors are marked to the same standards, i.e., are assessed reliably.


The person responsible for monitoring learners during an examination to ensure the integrity of the examination process.

3. Policy

  1. CDT is committed to the providing learners with an assessment and learning process that is both fair in content and in outcome and therefore addresses the basic principles of authenticity, consistency, transparency, validity, reliability, currency and sufficiency. To that end, assessment procedures should ensure that:
    1. Learners are informed of their progress and maximise their chances of success in their learning;
    2. Assessment feedback to learners is recorded and is explicit in relation to assessment content and criteria and how learners may improve their performance;
    3. Assessed work of all types, is returned to learners with feedback within a reason within a two-week turnaround time.
    4. Teaching/assessment staff are informed of the effectiveness of their teaching and students’ learning;
    5. In accordance with Cavity training’s Equal Opportunities Policy and the regulations of City & guilds, all learners’ needs are considered and those with learning difficulties are supported, in accordance with the regulations of City & Guilds.
    6. The assessment process is valid, reliable, current, sufficient, authentic, safe and fair;
    7. Records are sufficient to allow for audit and quality assurance of assessment;
    8. Communication withing assessment teams and with City & Guilds is effective;
    9. Communication with learners about assessment content and assessment criteria is clear, explicit and in standardised formats.
    10. Equipment for assessment comply with health and safety regulations;
    11. Learners are aware of their rights and responsibilities;
    12. Learners can gain unit accreditation/certification where appropriate;
    13. There is adequate monitoring and reviewing of procedures;
    14. There are sufficiently qualified tutors, assessors and verifiers/quality assurers and City & Guilds are notified of any team changes where necessary;
    15. Assessors, tutors and internal quality assurers undertake continuous professional develop activities;
    16. Learners receive adequate assessment plans or individual learning plans which are reviewed regularly;
    17. An appropriate range of assessment methods are used, supported by well-planned and comprehensive sampling process as well as appropriate standardisation activities;
    18. Assessors and internal quality assurers undertaking standardisation have sufficient time, resources and authority to perform their role;
    19. Qualified assessors and internal quality assurers countersign decisions of unqualified assessors and internal quality assurers;
    20. Rigorous efforts are made to prevent plagiarism or other forms of deception by learners as well as tutors;
    21. Assessors will conform with assessment procedures as provided by City & Guilds and give feedback to learners strictly in-line with City & Guilds rules and regulations;
    22. Learners must meet formal assessment deadlines for an assessor to accept evidence for an assessment (or resubmission). Where learners have legitimate reasons for not being able to meet a deadline, they will adhere to the procedures set out in the learner handbook. These procedures are strictly in-line with City & Guilds procedures.
  2. The objectives of this policy are to give quality assurance in assessment processes by establishing quality control mechanisms for assessment and through a system of internal quality assurance and standardisation.
  3. All assessments are supported by a transparent appeals procedure.
  4. CDT will negotiate special arrangements with City & Guilds for learners with specific needs in securing adequate arrangements for access to support in the assessment process.

4. Implementation

  1. It is the responsibility of staff of CDT to:
    1. Provide assessment processes that are fair and meet the requirements of the qualification;
    2. Provide learners with a schedule of assessment;
    3. Provide accurate, timely and informative assessment feedback to inform learners of their individual progress and to support their achievement record assessment decisions regularly, accurately and systematically using agreed formats;
    4. Familiarise themselves and learners with the Appeals Procedure;
    5. Be aware of and keep up to date with City & Guilds guidance in respect of assessment, standardisation and quality assurance;
    6. Ensure that the quality of assessment is assured by carrying out internal standardisation and quality assurance as required by CDT and City & Guilds;
    7. Record internal standardisation and quality assurance decisions accurately and systematically using agreed formats;
    8. Provide special arrangements for learners with specific needs and/or disabilities according to the regulations of City & Guilds;
    9. Inform the Head of Quality by email of any learners being enrolled for a programme at CDT, who are family members, relatives, or friends prior to starting to assessing/tutoring;
    10. The Director of Training will assess and gather information on their staff to establish where conflict of interest occurs and put proper controls and mitigation in place, using the Conflict of Interest Policy.

5. Associated Documentation

  • Appeals Procedure
  • Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Plagiarism and Malpractice Policy
  • Staff Handbook
  • City & Guilds regulations and guidance

6. Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

  1. The implementation of this policy is monitored through the course review process and Quality Assurance.
  2. Monitoring, review and evaluation of this policy occurs through the self-assessment process.
  3. A copy of this policy is accessible to all staff via the Shared folder.

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